Millionaire Moms.

"I study successful people. Because one day it occurred to me, they started out just like me," explains Jeanne Bice, founder of The Quacker Factory, a more than $50 million company that designs and sells clothing exclusively through QVC. "I've heard that Martha Stewart started out selling pies in front of a Ralph Lauren store in a strip mall. From humble beginnings she became a great success. To this day I read about people who have become successful, and I use people as role models. And I look at success, I don't look at failures. Because I'm not headed for a failure."

Itulah cuplikan dari buku Secret of millionare moms yang mungkin bisa dijadikan referensi dan motivasi untuk para ibu untuk menjadi usahawan.

Kisah sukses "Moms entrepreneur" yang berhasil memang banyak kita ketahui dan kenal dari media masa,kalau di negara indonesia kita kenal Moeryati Sudibyo sang ratu jamu,Dewi motik yang awalnya merintis bisnis dari rumahan yang akhirnya mencapai kesuksesan ,terkadang kita hanya terpaku dan terpukau oleh gemerlap kesuksesannya yang mereka capai pada akhirnya tanpa melihat bagaimana proses sebelumnya,kiat -kiat membangunya,komitmen,ke gigiihan,meluruskan persepsi yang salah tentang seorang entrepreneur seperti ada garis keturunan,bakat,kelebihan yang seolah-olah menjadi usahawan itu sudah "dari sononya" atau terlahir dengan sarana yang sudah jadi begitu saja,yang ternyata persepsi seperti ini bukan dialami oleh kita saja atau ibu -ibu yang sekarang mau merintis bisnis tapi terpasung mitos tidak ada bakat,tidak ada keturunan menjadi usahawan dsb.

Hal serupa ternyata dialami umumnya oleh orang-orang yang masih belum tergerak menuju dunia entrepreneur ,nah untuk menghilangkan persepsi salah dan kiat -kiat apa sih yang bisa dilakukan oleh para pengusaha wanita dunia bisa dilihat Entrepreneur Magazine yang intinya adalah.

Debunking the Myths Many people believe they don't have the innate qualities necessary to find success as an entrepreneur, and that self-made millionaires are somehow "different" from them. I think that many of the most commonly held beliefs, however, are simply myths, and our Millionaire Moms' experiences support my position. In this section, I discredit five common myths about successful entrepreneurs.

Myth No. 1: You Have to be "Ms. Personality"Reality: People with many different personality types have become successful. For as many outgoing Martha Stewarts and Richard Bransons, there are countless successful entrepreneurs with very low profiles who wish to stay that way. It's more important to be smart in business and to build a strong team than it is to be charismatic.

Myth No. 2: The Idea is the Most Important ThingReality: Yes, it's important to have a good idea. But that's not even half the battle. More important is how you position your product or service, and how it meets your target market's needs. You don't need to invent something completely novel, like the iPod or the microwave oven, to be successful – you can also take an idea that already exists and simply make it better

Myth No. 3: Success Means Never Going BackwardReality: Yes, successful people are committed to making their vision happen. But they are also willing to change direction

Myth No. 4: Only Risk Brings RewardReality: Any entrepreneurial venture involves some risk, yes. But you don't have to risk everything in order to find success

Myth No. 5: Your No. 1 Priority Has to be MoneyReality: For many entrepreneurs, millionaire status is a by-product of their original goals. In my own case, it was never money alone that motivated me to build Mom Inventors, Inc. And a number of the Millionaire Moms are still stunned that they turned their kitchen-table businesses into multi-million dollar ventures

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